
Join us in opening Adelaide Festival 2025 in a mass dance celebration for 1000 people.

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What’s On

See below for 2024 seasons and stay tuned for new announcements.


October 2024

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Manifesto feels less like viewing a performance and more like witnessing an explosive, ecstatic and primal phenomenon.
— InDaily


Nine dancers, nine drummers, nine drum kits. An exhilarating vortex of pure human energy.

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This year brings new Colossus seasons around the world - stay tuned for 2024 announcments.

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When I walked out of Colossus my blood was singing with sheer exhilaration.
— Witness Performance


Stephanie’s new full-length work for The Australian Ballet, Circle Electric, has closed its unforgettable season at the Sydney Opera House. Tickets now available for Circle Electric at the Regent Theatre (Melbourne) in October.

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